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Instructor: R RANJAN

Language: English

Learners Enrolled: 620 (Past) + 7 (Active)

Course Duration: 90 Days

Course Fees (INR): 6500/-

Course Description

Objectives of the Course:

The prime objective of an M&A is to gain a higher share in the market. This helps the company to enjoy the power of monopoly in the industry. Higher prices can be, thus, set by the firm because of this status. Hence, mergers are regulated frequently by the government.

Jobs And Career Opportunities:

  • Merger & Acquisitions Analyst

Responsible for completing the entire due diligence in them & a process by conducting client meetings and sharing of information.

  • Merger & Acquisitions Associate

Responsible for mentoring the analyst and make them work in complex financial structures to enhance their research & analytical skills.

  • Vice President

Vice President leads them & a department and is responsible for carrying out the merger in the best possible manner. He reports directly to the partner / CEO of the firm/company about the performance of the team members and the status of the deal on a periodic basis.

  • Partner

Partner is in charge of the M&A vertical in an accounting firm. He is in charge of the full department and ensures that the firm keeps on getting new deals from the market through his network.

After doing this course, Students will be able to:

  • Appreciate how businesses grow and gain market share by corporate strategy of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As),
  • Know the Global legislations governing an M&A transaction,
  • Understand steps and processes needed to complete an M&A transaction,
  • Learn the essentials of due diligence before starting Merger,
  • Download a sample M&A Contract between two legal entities,
  • Learn all allied concepts, such as Mergers, De Mergers, Joint Ventures, Spin Offs, etc.
  • Recognize the reasons behind a successful or a failed merger activity
  • Earn to be called a “IALM CERTIFIED M&A PROFESSIONAL

A highly recommended course for Lawyers, Law Students, MBA students, Management Executives, Company Secretaries, Chartered Accountants, Paralegals, Litigants, Government and PSU officials and any professional interested in the strategies and techniques of Mergers & Acquisitions.

Important Information About This Online Course

  • Maximum Duration to complete the Course: 3-Months
  • Course Fees: RS. 6,500/- (Payment through Credit & Debit Cards, Cheque, Demand Draft, Cash, Wire Transfer NEFT
  • Online Evaluation Method: Based on “Multiple Choice Question (MCQs)” and an “Assignment Submission” of 500 words.
  • The score of the online examination will be taken as final result and Grade will be assigned as per the following scheme: Grade A – 80-100, Grade B – 65-79, Grade C – 50-64, Reattempt – Below 50.
  • Next Batch: Each IALM course starts immediately after payment. Students can register online for the course any time. Upon payment of fees and registration, the present Course will start immediately.

Course Curriculum

How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.


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Indian Academy of Law & Management ("IALM") bridges the skills gap between what is being taught in Indian law schools or in any Indian law institute, by providing online law courses in various disciplines...
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